Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This blog will be a series if discussions, (meaning I will write what I want), many based on political topics. Mostly, they will be centered around...."if we can see it, why can't they?" Too many times I've heard it said by ordinary people that those on the national platform constantly miss the ideas and solutions that seemingly stand out as common sense solutions. Obviously the old saying that common sense is not so common has not gone out of style, especially it seems when it applies to our esteemed elected officials. So, if those who would profess to want to serve the people do not or choose not to listen to common sense, then perhaps they will pay attention to American Sense.........


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

So it goes... again. In a seemingly endless stream of novice blogs, online traffickers hear how common sense should rule our nation. Why is American Sense any different? Do we really have grand new insights to look forward to? Isn't there already a blog for every side of every issue claiming to have the simple solutions to all our nation's most pressing problems? The answer is quite obvious that America's technologically aware have all these ideas available to them. But what we have in American Sense is the opportunity to see the not so flailing beginnings and the shaping of the political philosophy of a future President. So my fellow traffickers, the future holds for us the precedence of witnessing this journey from common man to powerful "esteemed elected official."

John said...

Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into. Refering of course to a Blog on politics. Politics have become so stupid and unresponsive that it's almost sickening. You listen to talk shows, watch the news, read emails, and you ask yourself who the hell is listening. Nothing seems to pass the common sense test anymore. The liberal dumb asses have the ear of the political arena and those bastards are being led around by their noses. Why do most of the people I talk with have a firm grip on reality, when so many other people are so far out there their address is Pluto? There will be a day of reckoning and the common man, the working man, the conservative man, will stand up and grab his crotch and say, "I've had enough of this bullshit." You can take the Ted Kennedy's, Michael Moore's, and Steven Baldwin's and send them to France. I'm sure they would welcome their dumb asses with open arms. America is still the greatest place in the world to live and make a comfortable living if you don't mind working a little bit. If you work a lot, well you will probably get a lot. The Democrats will have you believe that big money will keep out the common man from the ranks of wealth. I believe this is true in some circles but I do also think that if you don't take no for an answer and work hard, you will improve your quality of life. I could ramble for weeks but I must close for now. Congratulations on the Blog. I will read everyday and comment occasionally.

Unknown said...

American Sense,

Speaking of elected officials, with the up coming elections we can expect to be bombarded with an over abundance of bloody comments, accusations, and lies. Would it not be a simple electoral process if those that have chosen to run were allowed only to discuss the facts of issues relevant to the American people!

This brings me to another point. A new law will shortly, I hope, be considered. It has the potential to radically change the American economy, and with that, the political power base for the ever twisting and scheming politicians. I am referring to the Fair Tax Act. And where are the real power bases of this country? Where is big business with there opinions and influence. Surely the families of Walton, Gates, Iacocca, Perot and others have some influence beyond the average American. Are their any opinions out there on this one?

Unknown said...

Did anybody see the national weather map today? Record lows all over the country. Sub zero all the way down to Savannah. Isn’t it odd that we are heading into a terrible time of global warming?

Of the numerous glaciers in the world (look it up, educate yourself) only a hand full are actually melting. The others are holding fast or actually getting bigger. Seems this is actually a normal way for glaciers to work. They have been doing it since before we swam in primordial ooze, (another augment all together).

Climate change. Of course the climate is changing. It actually does that every year with the coming and going of the seasons. Are we actually so uneducated and unaware as to assume that this does not also occur on global level as time goes by. Changes over time, it will only stop when the sun finally engulfs this island we call home.