Monday, February 19, 2007

Another Friendly Muslim

A Sunni Muslim cab driver from Somalia has run over two university students in Nashville, Tennessee. After picking the boys up, a discussion ensued concerning religion. Upon arrival at Vanderbilt University, the students got out of the cab, paid their fare and proceeded away from the cab.

Ibrahim Ahmed then decided to drive across a parking lot, jump his cab over a curb and run over the students. One is currently in the hospital in critical condition. The other student managed to jump clear of the cab.

Ahmed has been charged by police with assault and attempted murder. And the license plates on his cab were stolen, so he has been charged with theft also. I couldn't find out if he is in the country legally or not.

Another peaceful, contributing Muslim in America expressing religious intolerance I guess. By the way, it is the radical Muslims who have declared war on America.


Anonymous said...

by the way, the mayor of nashville vetoed a bill saying that English is the official language of the city.

Anonymous said...

It used to be that when you came to America it was to become an American. Now, it’s a place to go to make some money. While you are here making your money, you have the opportunity to preach your beliefs to all. What we are learning is that these Muslims are so fanatical that they will kill you if you disagree with their way of life and their religion. We need to follow suit of the Australians and make all these bastards swear an oath to this country. There is no such thing as Islamic Law. There is only American Law. If you don't like that then get the heck out of the country. The fact that these young people were killed by this radical Muslim is intolerable. I hope that our government and the voice of the people will rise up and change our way of thinking. We have to hurt some people’s feelings; you can't make everybody happy all the time. So, let’s try to make the American's happy for a change. If these foreign bastards want to be happy, then swear an allegiance to American or get the hell out of here.