Sunday, February 25, 2007

Parents Have No Rights In Massachusetts

A federal judge, appointed for life, has declared that government schools have the obligation to teach elementary school children to accept and endorse homosexuality, whether that is what parents wish or not.

The case came to Judge Mark Wolf's courtroom via a civil rights lawsuit brought by David Parker and Joseph Wirthlin, whose children were in the classroom. Their main argument that the schools had a legal requirement to notify parents if subjects like these were to be taught in the class, so they could withdraw their children if they chose to. Massachusetts law says the schools are required to provide notification. M.G.L. c. 71, s32A.

Wolf ruled that normalizing homosexuality to small children is "reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy." What does that mean? Being gay is a prerequisite for being a productive member of democracy??

At the core is the bigger issue of parental rights over state rights in raising children. Judge Wolf would have the law say that the state is responsible, and has an obligation, for teaching your children what is moral. Basically, this is what the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is going to teach your kids. If you don't like it he said, send your kids to private school, home-school your kids, or elect a majority of people to the School Board who agree with you.

The judge went further, saying that even if you espouse Christian beliefs that don't approve of homosexual lifestyles, you still DO NOT have a reasonable expectation to withdraw your child from classes that teach acceptance of it. I would think that a parent could choose what their children learn about lifestyles in this country.

This same thing happened in April of 2005, and the Governor Mitt Romney agreed with Parker then. Keep a close eye out for what Romney says now that he is a big Presidential candidate.

Lawyers defending the school, said that parents do not have the right to control what ideas the school teaches their children. I thought as ones who pay for the school through taxes, we do. I guess not in Massachusetts.

My first thought was to pull the kids and place them in a Christian private school. And I would still do that, but allowing the systematic and state sponsored teaching of homosexuality as a normal lifestyle and legitimizing the right and duty of the state over parental rights should not go unchallenged. Long have groups around the country, and the world, tried to diminish and marginalize the Traditional values and Christian principles this country was founded on. This is another shot at the same and needs to be publicly challenged.

The following groups are among the leaders in this effort: the ACLU, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, National American Man-Boy Love Association, the Human Rights Commission, and the Massachusetts Teachers Association.

Let's see which politicians come down on the side of the parents and Traditionalist values.



BlackTsunami said...

Yes parents do have rights in Massachusetts. This includes GAY and LESBIAN parents. no one is teaching children homosexual sex. they are just acknowledging the fact that same sex households exist. That is what this case was about.

Anonymous said...

while i personally disagree with homosexual lifestyles, it should be left up to parents to decide if their child will be exposed to homosexuality.........not government schools.