Friday, February 23, 2007

Thanks Rosie

Rosie O'Donnell and Norwegian Cruise Lines have engaged in a partnership that is causing many folks to postpone their family vacations.

Imagine planning a family vacation, a cruise from New York to the Bahamas. Everyone changing around work schedules and declonflicting their lives so everyone could get together for a grand cruise, making memories that would last a lifetime, celebrating Grandma's birthday.

Then you get a call from your travel agent telling you that your cruise has been cancelled and that the cruise lines have offered a $100 on-board credit for your next cruise. How devastated would everyone be, all the kids disappointed and the summertime ruined.

Then you finally learn the reason.........Norwegian Cruise Lines has agreed to rent the entire ship to Rosie so she could set up a gay and lesbian love-fest cruise! It's true.....and how sad.

Norwegian Cruises.

Read it-


Anonymous said...

This is just another example of if you have plenty of money you can screw the little guy. But, the thought of having to reschedule my vacation with my family because a bunch of homosexuals would like to grease up and partying on a cruise line for a week makes me sick. I have never used Norwegian Cruise Lines and because of this, I will never use that cruise line. Can you imagine a bunch of fat ass Rosie's running around the deck of that boat loving up on each other? Keep that shit at the house, bringing it into the public eye is disgusting.
The last family cruise I attended took us almost a year to plan. Even then we had family members who had to cancel and some that were able to take their place. Matching calendars for busy families like mine is a nightmare. So, to send me a hundred dollar gift to use on my next cruise is bullxxxx. They should get a lawyer and sue the cruise line.
The problem with Rosie is that she is arrogant and extremely gross. She hates life and everybody in it. So her goal in life is to cause as much pain to the rest of the world as she can. Unfortunately she has enough clout and money to do exactly what she wants. The little guy now suffers from her inability to plan ahead like the rest of us.
So, I sure hope she has a great time on her queer cruise and I hope they have plenty of life boats. John

Alex said...

we are slipping into a pit of moral depravity in this country when gay and lesbian family cruises are becoming the norm and excepted.

Anonymous said...

Just another example of, "Money Talks" and it's truely sad that the public has to bow down yet again b/c someone with a bunch of money can destroy another american family's vacation. What would happen if she was planning a cruise and she received a letter stating that I had bumped her off and she would have to reschedule? I know what would happen, she would go through the roof and bad mouth me on national television, but i guess it's ok when someone that has a lot of money can set the rules yet again.
I think someone should bend her over and break out the big green dildo and make her feel the way she is making all of those families feel....SCREWED!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree and I think we should start a new award system. If we have a real dick and he/she is screwing the average Joe, then lets give them the award. A new category on the blog. We will call it the "Big Green Dildo". It's like getting a Tony Award or Oscar. And how appropriate is it that Rosie is the first recipient of the BGD award. So, bend over Rosie and prepare to receive your just award. John

Anonymous said...

I think you're onto something there John... and of course lube is not an option.. The receipiant has to take it dry so they really get the full effect of their actions against the american pubic and they truely know our appreciation!!!!

Alex said...

congratulations to Rosie....our first recipient of the BGD Award.

Anonymous said...

I think there is nothing wrong with this? Though I do not agree with gay marriage, the fact of the matter is the cruise liner is a business. As would any business would do if offered a reasonable amount of money they rented out their cruise ship. The only reason this makes the news is because it’s Rosie and her being gay just adds to the drama factor. This should not be making the National news instead it should be on star magazine with all the rest of the Hollywood smut.

Anonymous said...

the bigger issue is that Norwegian Cruise Lines is endorsing homosexual family lifestyles.....the rosie thing is kind of beside the point

Alex said...

by the way read Star Magazine??

Anonymous said...

Vic, you are obviously gay. If you are straight I would be shocked. The problem with Rosie and her band of gay and lesbian friends commandeering this cruise line is that it is an attack on our country’s moral fiber. The more of these rich and famous gay folks that push their money around so that it affects the average guy the more ground they gain. Hell, I say not only should it be talked about, it should be the front cover of the newspaper. We had better wake up and start a campaign to educate our children because if these people have their way, they will infiltrate themselves to the point of saturation that would destroy our way of life. I believe that they have no self control or moral back bone, which in turn means to me that they are capable of doing things that are disgusting and demoralizing. We have had a President that has proven that you can have no morals and be successful. I think now that his reputation has marked his presidency so that no matter what he did that was good, the future will remember only that he was morally corrupt. I know you must be asking what the hell does this have to do with a gay cruise, well, it is just another example of how complacent we as American’s have become to this gay issue. It will not go away, it will only get worst. It might be a faddish thing as “make love not war,” but how low will we sink as a race before we speak out. Not talking about these types of problems only lets is grow in silence. One day when you wake up and all your grandchildren are gay, you might wonder if I was right. Stand up for you moral beliefs and don’t sit back and be afraid to tell Rosie that this type of rude behavior is not socially expectable. John

Anonymous said...

“Vic, you are obviously gay. If you are straight I would be shocked.” ^ Above quote. I thought you were an educated man John. To make an assumption; an attack on me, for not be afraid to express my opinion on a blog site makes me think other wise. My comment may have been thrown off a little by my first sentence “I think there is nothing wrong with this?”, so let me set it straight. I was not referring to the morally wrong subject of being gay I was referring to the cruise liner selling their product to make a profit. Stars bump people all the time to rent islands and what not for their crazy needs but don’t make the national news. The issue for me is that this made the news, witch is a win loose situation the way I see it. The cruise liner hopefully will loose business for their decision; witch was their legal right to make. On the other hand for lack of better words that fat lezzy gets more media attention witch is what they want! By “They” I am referring to the fags. Take for example John Amaechi the basketball player who conveniently waits until he is out of the NBA to write a book and then takes the opportunity to announce he is gay. Thus getting MEDIA attention witch they all seem to love to have on the subject. No Alex I do not read Star magazine simply because like I stated above. Smut like is written and accepted in those magazines.
My conclusion to the problem is no media attention for these Waco’s. As for waking up and educating our children you are right! I believe it’s the parent’s responsibility to teach good morals to their sons and daughters. Kids seeing gay stars on the national news on one channel then winning awards on the next doesn’t help much. Kids are easily swayed by stars on TV. Take for example these rappers on MTV or whatever music station you would like to refer to. Kids watch this crap and follow suite. Witch is why you see middle class American kids walking around thinking they are “Gangsta rappers” imitating the TV Star’s actions.

Anonymous said...

To add to the Point I was making. I was flipping channels late night and caught a headline on cnn saying "gay man who served his country during the Iraq war now coming out saying he is gay" WTF why does he need to go to the press to say this? I can only think of one reason for him to go to the press about his personal life just to grab MEDIA attention and help his cause, the sp movement. They love the media attention.. more will be expected to pop up I am sure as this gayness of our people spread and media eats it up for all to see... of course CNN makes the story sound like a great thing. Sickens me he gets any camera time just because he is a fag.

Alex said...

media attention will bring attention to the SP movement, but you have to have people to combat it, or it will slowly become accepted as the norm.