Thursday, March 1, 2007

Useless Legslation by Florida Demcrat

Much like the non-binding resolution that failed in the Senate anyway, a Democrat from Florida is pushing legislation that would ban use of the term 'illegal alien' and replace it with 'illegal immigrant' on official forms. The word 'alien' should be reserved for those from "outer space" Senator Fredricka Wilson said.

The big kicker about her bill is that there is no penalty attached to it. Useless laws. How much taxpayer money is she spending to get this changed, and how much taxpayer money would be spent reprinting every official document that uses the term illegal alien. Surely a Florida Senator has more important social issues that she should be concentrating on.

I guess that this is in keeping with Democratic Party attitudes that illegal immigrants should be given a free ride in this country. Indeed, when asked about the term 'illegal', she said she "likes the term undocumented better."

If you don't believe that Democrats want to make it easier for illegals to be here, her latest 'alien' legislation was the result of hearings she held on a bill she sponsored trying to make it easier for foreign born students to be eligible for in-state tuition at universities and colleges.

That doesn't make sense for America does it?

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