Monday, February 12, 2007

A New Tactic By The Evironmentalists

The global warming idiots have begun to get extreme in their advocation that we are destroying the planet. Al Gore and the rest have for years tried to get legislation passed through Congress, all the while accepting billions of dollars in grant monies to prove it. Of course, grants you don't have to pay back. By the way, according to Gore, whose supporters are trying to get to run for president, has put forth the ridiculous assertion that the world will end in just under 9 years due to damage caused by us.

The next time you are in the same room as one of them, ask them where their clothes or shoes are manufactured. Chances are they come from China, Taiwan, Korea or Thailand. All countries that have little or no environmental regulation policies, yet the United States is the big polluter. I could go along with tightening trade policies with countries like those to pressure them into coming online with the rest of us.....but I can't see the US bearing the brunt (and most of the cost) the global warming crowd would have. And let's not get into the financiers of the environmental hypocrites, like George Soros and the like, who fly around in private jets all over the world. Can't have billionaires flying commercial.

By far the most disgusting thing to come out of the friends of the planet's camp came from the former Vice President's fellow tree hugger Ellen Goodman. Mrs. Goodman wrote an op-ed article for the BOSTON GLOBE on February 9th about a big epiphany she had concerning the current horrible environmental crisis. While stating that "the certainty of human role is now somewhere over 90 percent", she doesn't stop there.

"I would like to say we're at a point where global warming is impossible to deny. Let's just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers...."

I can't believe that someone comparing the "global warming crisis" with the WWII Holocaust would get by the editors of a national newspaper, but I guess the BOSTON GLOBE is guilty of either lax editorial policies, or maybe they just agree with what Goodman wrote. Either way, it's a disrespectful and irresponsible piece of journalism by what one would think would be a respectable deliverer of the news....not a rag.

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