Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Fair Tax and the Country

So the Fair Tax will empower Americans to earn their full potential, and decide what they want to do financially. It will create a tax haven for all businesses to operate in our country, employing the worlds most productive workforce.

The Fair Tax will increase the tax paying base, those who contribute, because you cannot get around buying things. Again, hence the "fair". There are those, believe it or not, who do not contribute a penny to the federal tax funds, yet still receive more federal monetary assistance than those who do. Here we are talking about criminals who need to buy spoons to freebase heroin on, they would be paying the Fair Tax on those spoons! Tourists who flock to our country (an estimated 57 million last year) would contribute when they buy souvenirs! Corporations will pay when they buy the items they need for the operation of their business! The biggest consumer of goods and services in the country would have to contribute, the Government itself! The 20 to 30 million illegal immigrants in the country, many of whom receive aid from your elected officials in Congress, in the form of medical care, education, social security checks, and welfare programs, would now contribute to the federal fund. This new demographic of tax payers would multiply the generated tax revenue immediately. Tax evasion would be a thing of the past, because you can't get around buying the things you want and need.

Indeed many who do contribute do not "qualify" to receive funds because they earn too much. Isn't that interesting, you earn more, so the Government taxes you more, yet you do not "qualify" to benefit to from what you are contributing!

The Fair Tax would also mean the dissolution of the Internal Revenue Service as an agency. The taxes would be collected by State agencies already in place, and be passed up to the Feds. The millions of dollars spent out of the federal fund to research, capture and prosecute tax evaders would no longer be wasted, there would be no tax evasion. Imagine that.

In summary, the Fair Tax does the following:
  • Abolishes the IRS
  • Closes all loopholes and brings fairness to taxation
  • Ensures Social Security and Medicare funding
  • Reimburses the tax on purchases of basic necessities
  • Enables retirees to keep their entire pension
  • Enables workers to keep their entire paycheck

If you are ready to tell the people that YOU sent to Washington that you can decide what is best for your family financially, then click on the Fair Tax link and get involved. Find out where your representatives stand on this. Let them know that YOU want them to support HR 25. 231 years ago the citizens of America did exactly that, now it is our turn.

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