Thursday, February 8, 2007

Attention Demcrats.......and Everyone Else Too

Unfortunately, or not depending on your political persuasion, Senator Hillary Clinton is the front runner for her party's nomination later on this year for President. She also remains a favorite of many who were the Clinton lovers during her husband's Presidency and pine for his return, and of 'liberated' women across the country who think she's a viable candidate just because she's a women. Senator Clinton has been carefully trying to position herself within the Democratic party as one who can play both sides, but still keep true to the core values of Democrats, such as they are. So for all of you staunch Dems, women's libbers, business owners and those wishing for a better way, read below what Sen. Clinton's vision for a "new direction for America" entails:

"The Democrats know what needs to be done. Again, we're working trying to try push this agenda forward. The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to fund alternative, smart energy; alternatives and technology that will begin to actually move us toward the direction of independence."
She was talking to a group of Democrats and in case you read too fast in your excitement of reading her word, I'll do a copy/paste for you.........."The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits......". In case you still can't see past the facts that Hillary is talking, she wants the federal government to seize the profits earned by a business in the private sector!!! Exxon is a publicly traded company, which means those profits don't even belong to Exxon, they belong to the shareholders. She said she wants to TAKE those earnings away from the shareholders! If you look up who are the major shareholders in Exxon, you'll see it is investment firms that hold pensions and retirement accounts for folks all over the country. This is whose money Hillary wants to seize. For any business owner reading this, it should cause much concern. If she gets away with this with Exxon's shareholder's money, then what would stop her from doing it to your business!? The precedent would already be set.
Those Democrats who truly believe that the federal government should not be in the business of "taking those profits" should be ashamed that she is representing them this way. This is the New Direction that the Professional Democrats wanted after winning the November Congressional elections. If this is not your new direction, you should become vocal about it before you get that misrepresented....but then again maybe it is. After all, the Democrats were successful in November.
For Republicans, Libertarians, Independents and everyone else, spread the word that the New Direction of 2008 will be governmental fascism.....the government confiscating the fruits of the private individual! Sounds a lot like another world leader in the news lately, what's his name.......oh yeah, Hugo Chavez.

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